The well-tempered piano
Johann Sebastian [1685-1750] Bach , cembalo de Christiane Jaccottet
Kransberg : Pilz, 1989
Serie: Viena Masters Series
- Prelude and fugue 1 C major BWV 846 -- Prelude and fugue 2 C minor BWV 847 -- Prelude and fugue 3 C sharp major BWV 848 -- Prelude and fugue 4 C sharp minor BWV 849 -- Prelude and fugue 5 D major BWV 850 -- Prelude and fugue 6 D minor BWV 851 -- Prelude and fugue 7 E flat major BWV 852 -- Prelude and fugue 8 E flat minor BWV 853 -- Prelude and fugue 9 E major BWV 854 -- Prelude and fugue 10 E minor BWV 855 -- Prelude and fugue 11 F major BWV 856 -- Prelude and fugue 12 F minor BWV 857